Thursday, 2 January 2014

More christmas presents!

Muji Storage- £10.95

Yeyyyy, i finally got muji storage. I've been wanting them for so long and i'm really impressed with the quality of them and how pretty they look on my dressing table. I also got naked palette basics and naked palette 2. I wasn't really interested in them when they first came out, but all my friends love them so i thought i'd give them a try!
In college we all did a secret santa (which turned out to not be secret in the end) and i got a present from my tutor, which was a beautiful frame with a vogue cover inside showing how makeup has changed. I loved how much thought she put into it and how simple and pretty it looks in my new bedroom!
I honestly cant believe how quick this year has went, its been filled with happy and sad moments and i am hoping 2014 will be a whole lot better. Happy new year everyone!

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